• Part 1/7: Lung Protective Ventilation in ARDS: Hypoxic patient and the concept of VILI

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD 20 minutes
    Watch Module 1 of 7 in this educational series presented by Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD on the topic of lung protective ventilation in ARDS patients. Dr. Maggiore will discuss the pathophysiological mechanisms of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, the concept of Ventilator-induced Lung Injury (VILI), and lung damage associated with mechanical ventilation. This webinar series is presented in Italian with English subtitles.
    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Maggiore is currently a full Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, “Gabriele d’Annunzio” University ...

  • Part 2/7: Lung Protective Ventilation in ARDS: Ventilation modes and settings

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD 25 minutes
    Watch Module 2 of 7 in this educational series presented by Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD on the topic of lung protective vetilation in ARDS patients. Dr. Maggiore will discuss how ventilators work and how ventilation modes are controlled to help assist patient respiration. The use of pressure-assisted control and volume-assisted control for setting ventilation modes will be explained. This webinar series is presented in Italian with English subtitles.
    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Maggiore is currently a full Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, “Gabriele d’Annunzio” University ...

  • Part 3/7: Lung Protective Ventilation in ARDS: Respiratory monitoring of ventilation

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD 20 minutes
    Watch Module 3 of 7 in this educational series presented by Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD on the topic of lung protective ventilation in ARDS patients. Dr. Maggiore will discuss respiratory monitoring during of mechanical ventilation with a focus on gaseous exchange, dead space and respiratory mechanics. This webinar series is presented in Italian with English subtitles.
    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Maggiore is currently a full Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, “Gabriele d’Annunzio” University ...

  • Part 4/7: Lung Protective Ventilation in ARDS: Mechanical ventilation recommendations

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD 25 minutes
    Watch Module 4 of 7 in this educational series presented by Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD on the topic of lung protective ventilation in ARDS patients. Dr. Maggiore will discuss objectives and recommendations on mechanical ventilation that include protecting the lung from overdistension, atelectasis and any condition capable of triggering a damaging inflammatory reaction. This webinar series is presented in Italian with English subtitles.
    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Maggiore is currently a full Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, “Gabriele d’Annunzio” University ...

  • Part 5/7: Lung Protective Ventilation in ARDS: An individualized approach to ventilation

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD 25 minutes
    Watch Module 5 of 7 in this educational series presented by Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD on the topic of lung protective ventilation in ARDS patients. Dr. Maggiore will illustrate the importance of trying to individualize ventilation in these patients. ARDS is an extremely heterogeneous nosological entity, which means that it can present itself differently in individual patients. A retrospective analysis of two large studies conducted in ARDS patients are used to identify 2 different phenotypes that may help us understand patient response to treatment. This webinar series is presented in Italian with English subtitles.
    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Maggiore is currently a full Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, “Gabriele d’Annunzio” University ...

  • Part 6/7: Lung Protective Ventilation in ARDS: Advanced monitoring of ventilation

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD 25 minutes
    Watch Module 6 of 7 in this educational series presented by Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD on the topic of lung protective ventilation in ARDS patients. Dr. Maggiore will illustrate how advanced monitoring can help achieve individualized ventilation therapy. The goal is to better adapt ventilation to the physiological characteristics of the ongoing lung damage during ARDS. This webinar series is presented in Italian with English subtitles.
    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Maggiore is currently a full Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, “Gabriele d’Annunzio” University ...

  • Part 7/7: Lung Protective Ventilation in ARDS: Practical Individualized Ventilation

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD 15 minutes
    Watch Module 7 of 7 in this educational series presented by Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD on the topic of lung protective ventilation in ARDS patients. Dr. Maggiore’s discussion includes the concepts of lung recruitment and how ventilatory treatments vary in the lung with ARDS depending on the morphology of lung damage. It is, therefore, important to understand whether there is a focal or diffuse distribution of lung damage that can affect expected lung recruitability. This webinar series is presented in Italian with English subtitles.
    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Salvatore M. Maggiore, MD, PhD

    Dr. Maggiore is currently a full Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, “Gabriele d’Annunzio” University ...

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