• PART 1 - New Guidelines for regional analgesia for lower leg trauma and the risk of acute compartment syndrome

    Dr. Morné Wolmarans 30 minutes
    Welcome to this webinar series presented by the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland on Regional Anaesthetic Techniques in the Management of Traumatic Injuries

    In this first part, Dr. Morné Wolmarans will review the new guidelines for regional analgesia for lower leg trauma and the risk of acute compartment syndrome
  • PART 2 - Fascial plane vs nerve blocks for lower limb trauma

    Welcome to this webinar series presented by the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland on Regional Anaesthetic Techniques in the Management of Traumatic Injuries

    In this second part, Dr. Rosie Hogg will review fascial place vs nerve blocks for lower limb trauma
  • PART 3 - Upper limb block in trauma

    Dr. Athmaja Thottungal 32 minutes
    Welcome to this webinar series presented by the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland on Regional Anaesthetic Techniques in the Management of Traumatic Injuries

    In this third part, Dr. Athmaja Thottungal will go over upper limb block in trauma
  • PART 4 - Regional analgesia for pain after rib fracture and chest trauma

    Dr. Jonathan Womack 29 minutes
    Welcome to this webinar series presented by the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland on Regional Anaesthetic Techniques in the Management of Traumatic Injuries

    In this last part, Dr Jonathan Womack will go over the use of regional analgesia for pain after rib fracture and chest trauma.