Utilising big data to make institutional-level changes towards environmental sustainability
GE Healthcare is proud to present the Sustainability in Anaesthesia Webinar Series. This webinar is the second in a 3-part series, focused on sustainability strategies and techniques in Anaesthesia. Join our esteemed panel of experts Dr Alain Kalmar, Dr Cas Woinarski and Dr Ross Kennedy who will discuss the utilisation of big data to help fuel institutional-level changes towards environmental sustainability.
The topics to be discussed during the webinar will be:
Presentation: Adoption of low flow technology by Dr Alain Kalmar
Presentation: Roadblocks towards institutional-level challenges and strategies to mitigate by Dr Cas Woinarski
Panel discussion: with Dr Alain Kalmar, Dr Cas Woinarski and Dr Ross Kennedy (Chair: Simon Cresswell)

Dr Alain Kalmar
AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Oostende AV
Dr Alain Kalmar is an Anaesthesiologist and PhD in Biomedical Engineering. Among his broad range of publications in anaesthesia, he has studied and published on the Environmental Role of Inhaled Anaesthetics, the Occupational Risk, and Clinical Use.

Dr Cas Woinarski
Royal Hobart Hospital
Dr Cas Woinarski is a Provisional Fellow of ANZCA, and has trained in Australia and New Zealand. He is aiming to increase uptake of Low Flow Anaesthesia techniques in Australia.

Dr Ross Kennedy
Clinical Associate Professor
University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand
Dr Ross Kennedy is a Specialist Anaesthetist and Clinical Associate Professor from Christchurch, New Zealand. He has been interested in low flow anaesthesia as a means of waste reduction for many years. He is also interested in the uptake and distribution of inhaled agents and in the use of the many pieces of data collected during a routine case.